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This blog and website was created in memory of Katherine Joanne House. To remind and motivate us to live a life that is simple by filling it with love, hard work, and kindness. The Spirit of a Classic American Woman, is one who puts Faith and Family above all else. We are not perfect, but we work  hard and we count our blessings.
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Post Veteran's Day Thoughts

Last week was one of my favorite days of the year, Veteran's Day. This day is one of my favorites for a couple reasons. The first reason being I am married to a veteran. It makes me very proud that my husband fought for our country and the freedom we often take for granted.

The second reason I love Veteran's Day so much is because of the respect our country shows to these men and women on this day. I love the American Flags that can be found everywhere. I love the red white and blue that people make sure they wear. I love the respect that is shown to these great individuals for their service. It reminds me of what I think America was like in its prime. When we all cared for one another and put others before ourselves. When respect was something that was not overlooked. I love the programs the children put on at schools and their little voices singing God Bless America and the Marine Corps Hymn. It makes me feel hope and joy and respect and appreciation for all that I have and what I often take for granted... my freedom!

My family went out for lunch on Veteran's Day and so many restaurants have Veteran's Day deals, something special for our countries fighters. As my little family sat around the table patiently (that is a very loose term) waiting for our meal, we were going around the table and coming up with different words that would describe a Veteran. Words like strong, brave, courageous, selfless, American, faithful. We finished our meal and the waitress walked over with a napkin and handed it to my husband and said our meal had been paid for by another customer who would like to remain anonymous. As my husband opened the napkin, it simply stated "Thank you for your service".

It is a simple act such as this that makes me love this day so much. Not the free meal we received or the special menu that was offered for the Veterans. It was the fact that someone was thanking a veteran for their freedom. They were taking the time to not take for granted the reason we live in a free country. They did not want recognition nor attention. They simply wanted to say thank you. So to all veterans out there. Thank You! You are appreciated!

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