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This blog and website was created in memory of Katherine Joanne House. To remind and motivate us to live a life that is simple by filling it with love, hard work, and kindness. The Spirit of a Classic American Woman, is one who puts Faith and Family above all else. We are not perfect, but we work  hard and we count our blessings.
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January's Classic Woman, Amanda

Each month we will interview a woman or two that to us embodies the definition of a Classic American Woman. Our goal is to inspire you with the stories and experiences of other women. Getting to know these women with these questions will remind you that each of us is different, each of us is imperfect, but that we can learn and grow from one another. Enjoy!

~ Amanda ~

When I think of Amanda, I think of the southern woman I always wish I was; for she is soft spoken, friendly and loving to everyone she meets, a wonderful cook, and of course she has a southern accent. I am so thankful Samuel and Amanda met--enjoy getting to know this Southern Belle.

Speed questions:

1. What are your favorite books? That would mean I would have to read

2. Favorite movie? Any Disney movie and Gone with the Wind

3. Favorite recipe to bake or cook? I thought about this a lot and there isn't one thing that I would say is my favorite to cook...but I recently made chicken pot pie (Pioneer Woman recipe) and it was delicious.

4. Favorite color? Blue? It honestly changes a lot

5. Favorite music? I would say just top hits....but to be honest I listen to a lot of kid/toddler music right now more than anything else.

6. Favorite quote or scripture to live by? "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

7. Coffee or tea? Coffee

8. Favorite meal? My mom's chicken and dumplings and turnip greens

9. Woman who inspires you the most? My mom

10. Goal you still want to reach? As cliche as it sounds, I feel like I've reached my real goal. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom and I'm lucky enough to be able to do that thanks to my sweet husband.

The Interview

1. What does it mean to you, to be a "Classic American Woman"?

I guess you could say I have a very traditional idea of women's roles and that is the first thing I think of when I hear "Classic American Woman". None of us are perfect but when I think of a classic woman, I think of someone who tries their hardest to be the best they can be. I envision and want to be a woman who is great at cooking, cleaning, and taking care of my family while still being fun and remembering to always put God first.

2 .Who inspires you or has inspired you?

My mom. I know everyone thinks this about their own mom, but I'm pretty sure my mom is the best at, cleaning, advice, being creative, the list goes on. I don't know what I would do without her. She is my sounding board, my friend, my mom, and Grandmother to my children. We usually talk several times a day and see each other pretty often. Whenever I need advice she's there to listen and not take sides. She is always so patient and keeps it all together, even when things get crazy. I hope I can be as good of a mom and wife as she is!

3. What is your favorite hobby? How did you come to perfect your knowledge and expertise in this hobby?

I wouldn't say I necessarily have a "favorite hobby", but I do enjoy making things for around the home. I like making wreaths, sewing curtains and finding new ways to decorate. I am by no means an expert at any of much as I wish I was. I just teach myself as I go with tutorials online mixed with trial and error. You can learn anything you want to if you just spend time practicing and working on it.

4. How would you describe your interior design/esthetic?

I would say I like to lean more towards classic design. I always say I choose boring decor, colors, etc, when it comes to the home. I normally go for neutral color palettes and try to stay away from fads.

5. You're a stay at home mom, expecting another baby. What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day for me starts anywhere from 6-7am when my son and Sam get up. I start with making Sam's lunch and coffee for work and making Ellis' breakfast. After breakfast, we get ready for the day and run whatever errand or fun activity that we need or want to do for the day. We usually eat lunch at home and then Ellis goes down for a nap. While he naps I prepare as much as I can for dinner and straighten up the house a little. When he wakes up we have a little playtime and I cook dinner. Before I know it Sam is home and we all sit down for dinner. Sam and Ellis have some play time together and then Ellis gets a bath and is off to bed. Sometimes I am not far behind him but other times Sam and I will watch TV for a little while before bed. Then it begins again.

6. What is the greatest challenge in being a wife, mother?

Balance. I want to be able to do everything and be the best at it, but it's not possible. You have to learn how to balance and how to allocate your time to different things, people, chores and even a little "me time" occasionally. I always want to make everyone happy and I hate disappointing others so balance is something I struggle with.

7. What advice would you give women today?

Don't be so hard on yourself. (I need to listen to my own advice here.) As I said before, I want to be the best at everything (not to impress others, but for myself)...but it's simply impossible to do everything for everyone all the time. You just need to be the best you can and be confident in that.

8. If you had a day to do anything (cost unlimited) what would you do?

I would go on an African safari. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time but haven't had the chance yet. I would love to see the animals in their "real life" settings and experience the culture of somewhere I've never been.

9. How do you unwind after a long day?

I feel like my answer should be "read" or something like that but sadly I have a soft spot for reality TV. I love to watch The Bachelor or Real Housewives.

10. What is the greatest perk of being a stay at home mom?

Getting to spend so much time with my little boy. Don't get me wrong, it is challenging, but he makes it so worth it. I'm so thankful I get to spend each day with him. Plus he makes me laugh a lot! He's in a phase where he really wants to be independent and it usually ends up with him doing something silly.

Hope ya'll enjoyed getting to know Amanda. I can't wait to interview more Classic American Women! Leave comments or suggestions below!

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