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This blog and website was created in memory of Katherine Joanne House. To remind and motivate us to live a life that is simple by filling it with love, hard work, and kindness. The Spirit of a Classic American Woman, is one who puts Faith and Family above all else. We are not perfect, but we work  hard and we count our blessings.
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House to Your Home

You're in a 1950's Ford Pickup with a simple country tune on the radio, It's you on this back road with the windows down, and no place to be. Nothing seems more perfect than this moment.

Simple. Classic. Free.

Ross and Maggie Jae, both my cousins, are synonymous with this scene. To you, they may just be two people living in a little country town in Indiana, but to those who know them, they are classic, genuine people. They know no stranger. Though they often pack on more than they can chew, you will never hear a complaint or be let down. They've always followed their own road - learning along the way what they wanted in life and how they could use the characteristics God blessed them with. When they started their companies "House to Your Home" and "House of Magnolia", I was not surprised. They have their Mom's and Grandmas' creative eyes, and the grit and persistence from their Father. I was so excited when they agreed to be interviewed for the blog & I hope you enjoy learning more about them and their passion for creating and restoring furniture.

Question 1:

Your company statement is "House - Fam- Brother & Sister duo, making unique functional items for your home", what was the inspiration for jump starting this new venture?

We believe that everyone is born with skills, talents, and purpose! House to Home allows for both of us to do what we love and utilize the gifts God gave us. Being able to express our creativity, explore entrepreneurship, and work side by side keeps us inspired and working hard.

Question 2:

Did either of you have training in building furniture? Or how did you gain that knowledge (books, Youtube, trial by error)?

Ross is a Building and Construction Management Major at Purdue University and Maggie Jae has a background in the public relations and creative fields. With the mix of talents, we are capable of conforming to the needs of a business and our customers. Ross is naturally gifted with talent in design and craftsmanship. He is able to accommodate the needs of any project and see the big picture just by capturing the overall creative vision. He makes things come to life with texture, lines, and details. We both have very similar taste in design, specially furniture, and have spent 10 years in the 4-H program completed Home Environment and Wood Working Projects. Our family as a whole, has also flipped almost a dozen homes in our county. We have been raised in a household that thrives on dipping into ventures that provide an income or fulfill a passion.

Question 3:

How would you describe your design (colors, texture, style, etc)? What makes it unique from other furniture pieces out there?

House to your Home’s goal is to cultivate our signature style and keep our family pride and deep passion for creativity alive. Our design inspiration is always evolving, but we will always stick to style that is rich and timeless. The clients and homes that we hope to always attract are ones that see the value in what you place in your home. Furniture has more than a function, it is an expression of your home and the people that fill it. House to your Home furniture is created and or refurbished to become a part of every family’s memories and culture. Our furniture is seasoned with history that we want to restore and make special in today’s society.

Question 4:

Do you build from scratch or do you do more restoring?

We build many aspects of our pieces from scratch, but restore most all of the bases of our furniture.

Question 5:

What materials do you tend to lean towards? What challenges to these materials come with?

We are most drawn towards woodwork that can be restored to its original condition or updated. Working with wood, paint, wax, fabric, and studs are our common practices and will challenge your patience and the clock.

Question 6:

Ross, what does Maggie bring to the table in this company?

She is the outreach behind our business. She communicates with the public and in head of all the promotional pieces. Her opinion on our product is very valuable, because she knows our clients, discusses plans with them, and has always encouraged my creativity. I call her the “hype girl.” She is my sister and best friend, so it is easy to brainstorm and work with her.

Question 7:

Maggie, what does Ross bring to the table in this company?

Ross is the backbone of our business. He is the creative genius and the sweat that goes into each developing project. He is extremely flexible with our customers’ needs but also makes sure to stay true to his own vision. Ross’s talent is necessary for House to Home to succeed.

Question 8:

What are your goals for this growing company? Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

As a short term goal, we wish to continue trying to accommodate a handful of projects on a monthly basis. In the next 5 years our goals will hopefully be staging homes that are built by a company Ross works for. The dream is to fill homes with our product and create “homes” out of houses. We will reach for big goals with the help of our family’s background in real estate, finance, communications, and construction that will assist in the connections we need for a market that wants and needs our design.

Question 9:

Grant, your brother, passed away in 2015, but really left a mark in every life he touched and still touches today. How is he represented in your work?

Grant is a person that needs no introduction. He is the light of our lives and is so much of how we passionately and bravely live. Running a small family business keeps our dreams rooted in tradition and gratitude. We are a sibling duo, and without brothers and sisters, life would not be as fulfilling and unique. Grant has always and will always continue to lead our family with joy, and we hope that reflects in every endeavor our family pursues.

Question 10:

Can customers rent or buy your pieces? Do you build for need or just whatever inspires you at that moment?

Customers have the ability to request a custom order, in which we follow their personal desires and design. Customers also can purchase pieces that House to Home markets and sells on a retail basis. Lastly, customers have an options to use our rental service through our other business venture. House of Magnolia is our rental business that provides customers with a wide variety of unique furniture to fill their special occasion. House of Magnolia and House to Home work side by side in specializing in every need our customer might have. House to Home provides House of Magnolia with much of its beautiful inventory. We have a large variety of options based on the various creative needs of our customer base.

Question 11:

What keeps you motivated on continuing to build this company, especially during a time when convenient furniture (such as IKEA furniture) is available? & what failures have you faced and learned from?

Quality is our focus. We are motivated to encourage buyers to think about longevity and to invest in your home. By staging our furniture, showing a piece’s story, and providing each furniture item with a “look,” we are cultivating that dream. House to Home wants to show that custom means unique and one of a kind. If people are looking to have something that is one of mind, they are willing to spend the time, energy, and money on it. It is tough to get everyone to see our mission and our work in that light, but we are working harder on settling into environments that find our work attractive.

Question 12:

Anything you want readers to know? Or would you like to add anything?

Do what you love and with who you love. Take advantage of free social media and the people in your life that see the importance of your purpose. Use your talents and skills to build your success and happiness. It’s worth it. #54


It's truly been a joy learning more about their work. It's evident that family is at the core of their purpose in life and in their motivation. The beauty that comes from their imagination is nothing short of spectacular, but they've never been afraid to get their hands dirty and to work hard.

Thank you Ross and Maggie Jae.

If you would like to learn more about "House To Your Home" or "House of Magnolia", you can check them out on Instagram! @House-To-Your-Home and @House_of_Magnolia!

*All photos were taken by Maggie Jae Budreau and Ross House*

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