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This blog and website was created in memory of Katherine Joanne House. To remind and motivate us to live a life that is simple by filling it with love, hard work, and kindness. The Spirit of a Classic American Woman, is one who puts Faith and Family above all else. We are not perfect, but we work  hard and we count our blessings.
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Purpose and Promise

I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Matthew 3:11

Parenting! What a job! It is something that nothing can prepare you for. No book, no blog, no words of advice from another. Parenting is something that you just have to jump into blindly with both feet.

As a mother of six (yes, six), it has been the hardest roll of my whole life. However it has been the most rewarding job as well. It is something I truly believe I was called to do. God made me to be a mother. I may not be the best, I may lose my temper frequently or lack patience, or put my children off until I finish this chore or that, but they bring me such happiness. They give me direction and purpose.

What is the purpose of a mother? What is my role as their mother? Is to feed them? Clothe them? Love them? Punish them? Bring them up to be well rounded? All of these are true, but my most important role as their mother is to bring them to the Lord. Lead them to the Lord. Teach them of the Lord. This is my purpose. The most important role I have as their mother is to make sure they get to Heaven.

The first step in doing so is praying for them. Praying so hard for them daily. Another part is to baptize them. To make a vow to promise to raise them in the Church, to come to know the Lord, to teach them to reject Satan and his empty promises.

This weekend was the feast of the baptism of Jesus. This weekend we also baptized our newest daughter. This is one of my favorite sacraments. It is with such love and pride that I bring my baby, the baby which I have prayed for, the baby that God has blessed me with, to God, to wash her clean and promise to teach of all His love. To give thanks to God for such a miracle, such a gift, and make a vow to Him that I will lead her to Him.

And that is exactly what I attend to do. It is my purpose and my promise to lead all my children to the Lord, and one day I plan to sit with all my children at the feet of Jesus and give thanks.

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